
既然您已经忙得不可开交,我们将免费和按需提供FamilyLife Canada(福临万家) 育儿课程。
介绍 “迎接收成”
💬 普通话讲座
Ready For Harvest (Mandarin)

讲员:Fay Chao and Bob Li
二十多年前我们接触了许多年轻的新移民家庭。那时大家都\非常关心儿童的成长与教育。 大家都努力希望在这裡能够给孩子和家庭一个更好的成长环境和发展的空间。我们相信我们有一天退休后就可以享受我们辛苦的成果,可以含饴弄孙。最近几年我们经常听到那些孩子已经长大的父母感叹虽然孩子长大独立了,工作和经济情况都好,但是家庭关係并不理想。我们在这堂裡会分享一些帮助建立与成年子女关係的
💬 粤语讲座
Five Star Parenting (Cantonese)

讲员:Edmund and Angela Lau
我们所在的文化不断影响著我们的信念和价值观。现代的教育强调「让孩子赢在起跑线上」,这将引领他们走向成功的人生。所以许多父母从小便催促孩子要拥有优秀的成绩, 能够成为坊间俗称的「五星星状元」。父母下意识地也把孩子的成绩单当作他们自己的成绩单,你是否每天都在担心孩子的成绩呢?本研讨会将提供一个「五星星」亲子关係的路线图,从育儿的最终目的为起点,帮助父母明白什麽才是孩子真正的起跑线,从而引导他们走在上帝的道路上,到老也不偏离。
现场问答 - 时间表和主题【点击查看更多】
4 月 30 日,所有注册者也将有机会在线参与现场问答环节。 您可以参加一场或全部四场。 由你决定! 以下是太平洋时间列出的主题和时间。
第一节 - 培养孩子的韧性(上午 9 点至 9 点 50 分)
第二节 - 屏幕安全和边界(上午 10 点至 10 点 50 分)
第三节 - 保持健康并与我们的孩子建立联系(上午 11 点至晚上 11 点 50 分)
第四节 - 帮助我们的孩子爱并跟随耶稣(12-12:50pm)
Sibling Conflict – Turning Clashes into Character
💬 英文讲座

Presented by Jay and Gretta Kennedy
“Say you’re sorry! Just get along!” – Could you use a little more peace in your house? Sibling conflict is inevitable, exhausting and good. WHAT? GOOD? You’re crazy! In this session learn how navigating sibling conflict effectively is one of the best opportunities to help your kids thrive in life right now and well into adulthood.
Bubble Wrapped Kids – How Shielding Children from Suffering Works against Them
💬 英文讲座

Presented by Dr. Dave Currie
Many well-meaning parents today mistakenly remove every obstacle – even the small pebbles – from their child’s path. They see it as a badge of honour to keep their children from any unnecessary life stress. But is that God’s plan? How will their child develop resilience and learn to handle the many stresses of life? After all, real life is filled with splatter – lots of it! Learn how to take the much wiser approach that will better prepare the next generation to overcome the many challenges that will unquestionably come their way.
Parenting with the End in Mind
💬 英文讲座

Presented by Lisette Fraser
In the midst of the madness of raising kids we sometimes forget that the goal is not just to survive each day or week, but to raise healthy adults. And as parents of faith, that means adults who know, love and serve Jesus for a lifetime. Let’s talk about how to keep our eyes on the bigger goal as we navigate parenting in a wild world. Let’s parent intentionally with the end in mind.
Preparing Your Child to Spiritually Survive and Flourish in a Secular Culture
💬 英文讲座

Presented by Kirk Durston
Today, many young adults who have been raised in Christian homes end up abandoning their faith. In this workshop, Christian apologist Kirk Durston discusses helpful principles and tips for nurturing a life-long love of God so your child is prepared to spiritually survive and flourish in a very secular culture.
Homegrown Apologetics – How Your Child’s Questions Can Build the Faith of the Whole Family
💬 英文讲座

Presented by Alanzo Paul
“Who made God?” “What about other religions?” “Did God use evolution to make dinosaurs?” When your child asks a tough spiritual question, it’s an opportunity to connect and explore an answer together, resulting in a more enriched faith for the whole family. Jesus welcomed questions because it was a gateway to reveal more about Himself, and we get to do that for our children: show them more of who Jesus is by exploring answers to their big questions.
Empowering Parents to Talk to Their Kids About Pornography
💬 英文讲座

Presented by Marilyn Evans
This workshop helps parents understand why children and teens are so vulnerable to today’s online pornography. Marilyn Evans provides parents and caregivers with ideas, resources, and practical solutions to overcome their own worries, fears, and concerns about addressing this sensitive topic with children at any age.
What if we could turn back time?
💬 英文讲座

Presented by Brent and Céleste Trickett & FamilyLife Canada couples
In this session, Brent & Céleste Trickett host a panel-conversation with a few couples on the FamilyLife Canada team. Reflecting on their parenting journeys, they dive into discussing some of the great parenting decisions they would make all over again, as well as where things got messy from their poor decisions. Join in to discover helpful lessons learned from the real parenting ups and downs of the FamilyLife Canada team.
Engaging the LGBTQ Conversation as a Responsible Christian Parent
💬 英文讲座

Presented by Preston Sprinkle
Preston Sprinkle will engage God’s vision for sex, sexuality, and gender in a way that’s relational, down to earth, biblical, and compelling. This conversation will cover challenging issues by addressing the areas of the love of God, the authority of God, and the shame that often cripples conversations about sex and prevents parents from even engaging the topic in healthy ways.
The Impact of Technology and Screen Time
💬 英文讲座

Presented by Joel Pukalo
To decide healthy boundaries around your child’s media use, it’s crucial to understand the effects on their cognitive and social development. In this session, Registered Psychologist Joel Pukalo hosts a discussion with educational professionals to increase awareness and offer practical solutions for parents. This workshop will better equip you to implement structures and expectations that are age-appropriate, maximize the benefits of technology and minimize the harms.
Media. Faith. Culture
💬 英文讲座

Presented by Brett Ullman
We need to be actively involved with our culture without blindly accepting it as true. This is especially relevant when it comes to the media we consume in our homes. Brett encourages a commitment to no more thoughtless watching, listening, or online activity, but to instead intentionally and daily pursue what is good for our hearts and minds.
Bring Them Closer
💬 英文讲座

Presented by Connie Jakab
How do you bring children who are oppositional, violent, or depressed and anxious closer? Connie will share what this has looked like in her family and how it has made all the difference.
Anxiety, Stress, and Other Feelings We’d Rather Not Talk About
💬 英文讲座

Presented by Jenn Dean
Anxiety and stress are higher than ever! This session will give you practical tips to deal with these uncomfortable feelings as well as tools to help your kids overcome fear. Be encouraged that we are never alone and nothing separates us from the love of God.
Giving Your Kids the Security of a Healthy Marriage
💬 英文讲座

Presented by Neil and Sharol Josephson
You’ve probably heard before that the best gift you can give your children is the security of a strong, healthy marriage. But how does that work in real life? How much authenticity do you model? What if you have different approaches to parenting? How do you pass on faith if you’re not on the same page spiritually? How do you strengthen your marriage when you’re so busy parenting? Neil and Sharol Josephson will share what they’ve learned (mostly from trial and error) in their 40 years of parenting.
How Joy Can Transform Your Home
💬 英文讲座

Presented by Phil Callaway
Best-selling author Phil Callaway believes that joy and laughter are the forgotten secrets to a happy home life. In this transparent talk, Phil takes us through the early daze of parenthood and into the white knuckle teenage years and beyond, showing how biblical principles combined with joy and laughter have helped him and his wife survive. If joy is difficult to find right now, you’ll love these five grace-filled steps to help you laugh again and leave a lasting legacy. PS: Don’t forget to bring your funnybone.
Connected Parenting – Building Connection with Your Kids
💬 英文讲座

Presented by Kim Unrau
Have you ever had your child “listen to you” and then do nothing that you said? Even worse is when they don’t listen at all. In this workshop, you will learn how to attach to and train your kids so your voice and values have weight in their lives. We will look at some of their attachment needs, how to bring the walls down, and what to do when they make significant mistakes.
Blended Family & Single Parenting Workshops
Parenting in Blended Families
💬 英文讲座

Presented by Ron Deal
In blended families, biological parents and stepparents have to find harmony even as stepparents bond with stepchildren and try to find their place in the home. It’s often quite complex and confusing, but it can be done if you get stepfamily smart. This session with blended family expert Ron Deal will build your teamwork and move your family forward.
Overcoming Single Parent Guilt
💬 英文讲座

Presented by Jenn Dean
What negative tapes keep playing in your head? Do you ever compare yourself to those “good” or “normal” parents? In this session, your coach Jenn Dean will help you replace self-defeating messages with truth and grace for your single parenting journey.
Managing Emotions as a Single Parent
💬 英文讲座

Presented by Joel Pukalo
When you can’t tag-team in the moment with another parent, it can be extra tough to navigate the complex emotions that surface both in yourself and in your kids. In this session, Registered Psychologist Joel Pukalo will equip you with tools and strategies to manage emotions healthily and to find the support you need as a single parent.
英文资料 ↓
Dear Parents! 💙 We know it’s been a challenging few years and you could probably use some encouragement.
We want to journey with you - to together discover real hope, practical help and proven wisdom for our parenting journeys.
And since you’ve got your hands full, we’re making the FamilyLife Canada Parenting conference FREE and ON-DEMAND.
For 10 Days - April 20-29th, you’ll get free access to over 20 parenting workshops to take in a few or several at your convenience. And then we’ll wrap things up with Live Q&A on April 30th.
See Topics & Sign Up Free
We hope you’ll join us online this April!
Access to the workshop videos starts April 20th. That morning we’ll send you an email with easy instructions to get on-demand access to the entire workshop library so you can take in workshops at your convenience ahead of the live Q&A (April 30th).
By the way, you can already sign up for the live Q&A.
(It will be on WebinarJam, an easy-to-use platform like Zoom)
We’re here to help you get the most out of this learning experience, so if you have any questions at all about the conference, please email events@familylifecanada.com.
We’re so honoured to walk with you on your parenting journey!
Here for help and hope,
PS. Do you know other parents who also need encouragement? By simply passing this info page along personally in an email or sharing this facebook post, you can strengthen a family!
Live Q&A – Schedule and Topics
On April 30th, all registrants will also have the chance to join in online for the live Q&A sessions. You can join in for one session or all four. It’s up to you! Here are the topics and times listed in Pacific Time.
Session One – Building Resilience in Our Children (9-9:50am)
Session Two – Screen Safety and Boundaries (10-10:50am)
Session Three – Staying Healthy and Building Connection with Our Kids (11am-11:50pm)
Session Four – Helping Our Kids Love and Follow Jesus (12-12:50pm)
*The live Q&A will be a webinar, so to get access you need to sign up separately with just your name and email address.
The button below is to get the 10 days of free workshop access.