卡城华人宣道会 Calgary Chinese Alliance Church - 心灵健康桥樑 Wellness Bridge

📢 许多人都面临处理危机的恐惧和压力。冠状病毒的大流行迫使许多家庭被围困在小小的家裡。随著病毒感染危险的增加,生活压力的上升,孩子会躁动不安,父母的耐心和自制力也会下降,管教就显得更具挑战性。
教养的主要目标不只是为了得到正确的行为,更重要的是引导内心信念的转化。「心相联的管教」是一个基于恩典和真理的管教框架, 为父母提供实用的技巧, 帮助他们从只关注『行为管理』,到转变为重视『孕育信念』。「心相联的管教」的核心是帮助父母使用管教的机会,建立与孩子亲密的关系, 栽培孩子成为门徒。欢迎大家报名参加这个免费的讲座,并将此聚会信息分享给你的亲友。
🎙️ “心相联的管教”线上 普通话讲座 加东时间 12月5日(礼拜天) 下午 5:00 -7:00 由李坚如、赵言慧分享
🌐 更多心灵健康相关资源和讲座,请访问我们的网站
✉️ 感谢您有兴趣了解心灵健康桥樑讲座: 心相联的管教(普通话),若您有任何问题,欢迎联系我们: wellnessbridge@ccac.life
Does your family need encouragement and equipping especially in the area of parenting? The pandemic has forced many families to spend more time at home. Increasingly worn out parents and restless children can make discipline even more challenging.
“Discipline that Connects with Your Child’s Heart” is based on a discipline framework of grace and truth.
It provides parents with practical skills to help them shift from focusing only on “behaviour management” to the importance of “nurturing faith”. It is to help parents use discipline as an opportunity to build relationships with their children and train them up to become disciples of Jesus Christ.
This is your invitation to free workshops in three different languages held at different times, sponsored by the Calgary Chinese Alliance Church in Alberta.
粤语工作坊 加东时间 12月3日(礼拜五) 晚6:30-8:30 Rev. Angela Lau and Edmund Lau 粤语讲座报名链接

English Workshop Saturday December 11 at 10:30 pm -12:30 am Eastern Time with Rev. Angela Lau and Edmund Lau English registration Link For any questions about content and schedules for all sessions, please contact angela@familylifecanada.com.

#亲子 #在线讲座 #家庭 #福临万家中文事工 #FarmilyLifeCanada #卡城华人宣道会 #心灵健康桥樑